Monday, March 28, 2016

Paper Piecing

Let me preface this by saying that I would love to write a post about every single project that I do.  However, it's become clear that I don't have that kind of time right now in my schedule.  For a little while anyway, I'm going to focus my posts on the times I try new techniques, and today's blog is a perfect example.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Chickens, Chickens, All in a Row

At the same guild meeting where Halsey-Bear was turned in to the Salvation Army Drive, I took the chance to shop a bit.  Many members of the guild have little projects that they make, and I'd had my eye on one woman's chicken pincushions for several months.  For once, I had cash on me, and I picked out the chicken below. I keep her as a little token on my desk at work these days.

I decided her name was Audrey.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

But For Now Let's Get Away on a Roman Holiday

Every Christmas, the Guild participates in a quilt drive with the Salvation Army, where we each pair a small quilt with a teddy bear as a gift for a child in need. By the time the drive rolled around last year, I'd had my machine for eight months, so I figured now was the time to participate.  I'd wanted to learn how to quilt and bind a project anyhow, and the requested quilt size was small enough that I could likely wrangle the top within my little machine.